Despite COVID-19, the Brazos Valley Food Bank (BVFB) plans to remain open, as do the majority of our food distribution partners (at this time). You matter!

Please keep reading for FAQ.


Since the COVID pandemic began, the Brazos Valley Food Bank (BVFB) has followed the guidelines established by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).  These practices have resulted in 0% known COVID virus transmissions at BVFB’s facility.   

Unfortunately, COVID19 cases, specifically from the Delta variant strain, are on the rise locally.  The Brazos Valley is currently an area of high transmission. 

Following the newest, current CDC guidelines, BVFB will implement the standards below for COVID-19, effective August 9, 2021

  • All employees and visitors regardless of vaccine status must wear a CDC approved mask that covers the nose and mouth when performing BVFB responsibilities, either at BVFB facilities or off-site.  Masks work to help prevent your respiratory droplets or large particles from reaching others. If they are of high enough quality, masks also provide a measure of protection to the people wearing them.
    • Masks are NOT required when working outdoors (for instance loading, unloading a truck outside, working a mobile food pantry distribution, etc.) IF social distancing (6 ft distance) is maintained.  If there will be sustained close contact with others, then a mask should be worn, even outdoors.
  • All employees and visitors (including those in the warehouse and Volunteer Center) must continue to practice Social Distancing.  Social distancing means sitting, walking along or with, standing at least 6 feet apart of others.  Stay far enough away from other people so that you are not breathing in particles produced by them, although this approach by itself is not a guarantee that you will avoid infection, especially in enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces.
  • All employees and visitors should continue to utilize good personal hygiene practices (e.g., washing your hands, covering your sneeze/cough, using hand sanitizer after each handshake, etc.)

If you have had known exposure to someone with COVID19, whether you are vaccinated or not, please do not visit the food bank and follow CDC guidelines around exposure.  If you are experiencing illness, (i.e., fever, chills, coughing, shortness of breath, muscle or body aches, fatigue, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nausea or vomiting or diarrhea, runny nose or congestion) please do not visit the food bank until you are feeling well.

BVFB’s top priority is the safety and health of everyone.  If conditions change, these policies can and will be updated to meet emerging best practices.


SNAP benefits help people buy the food they need for good health

You can contact the Brazos Valley Food Bank for help applying for:

  • SNAP (Food Stamps)
  • Medicaid
  • CHIP
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

For free, no cost help in applying for SNAP call 979-779-3663 ext. 105 and ask for Cheryl Butler.
Because we value your safety, applications will be done via telephone.*

To request home delivered food for elderly and other high risk individuals:

Food Assistance Hotline (Free Food Delivery for Seniors and High-Risk individuals) - CALL 936-978-0823 - Hotline staff are available to help seniors request food delivery by phone
Brazos County: BVFB is partnering with Crowdsource Rescue to get food home delivered in Brazos County to homebound elderly and other high risk individuals during the Shelter in Place order. Visit Crowdsource Rescue to apply for home delivery.

Madison County: Call Sonshine Outreach Center at (936) 348-5282

Washington County: Call Bread Partners at (979) 836-1553

Faith Mission Call Center  1-800-845-8035

Call Center provides resources and assistance for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic:

• information regarding the virus, medical services, current declarations and executive orders

• volunteer opportunities

• other community services

• home delivered groceries for seniors over 60 who are sick or shut-in

Franklin ISD: Call Ferman Richards (Franklin Food Pantry) at (979) 676-0416

Distribution Partner Changes:

Brazos Church Pantry will temporarily serve Grimes and Burleson County residents, as well as Brazos County residents.

Salvation Army will be open to serve those affected by COVID Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 9a-4p; Friday 9a-2p; Regular food pantry (non-COVID) Wed. 9-3:30p or until they run out

Prairie Hill - during COVID, hours will be from 6:00 am - 8:00 am, the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month  (days have not changed, just extended hours)

The following pantries are closed:

Food Pantries  

No closures at this time

(updated 8/25/2020)

Click here for a list of all Public BVFB Food Distributions


Is there anything new that I need to know about getting food assistance?

  • Mobile Food Pantries are drive through only. 
  • Food Pantries in buildings will distribute differently – they may only allow one household inside at a time; they may bring your food out to your car and do paperwork through the car window.  Other differences like this may happen – for your safety.  Please be flexible. 
  • Volunteers should be wearing masks and gloves




FAQ COVID-19 Disease Information_Current Situation_Animals 

FAQ COVID-19 Travel Information

Scams: Are Scammers taking advantage of fears surrounding the Coronavirus? 

Helpful COVID-19 Virus Links


Brazos County Health District


Texas Health and Human Services