There are many ways to get involved with the Brazos Valley Food Bank!
Each year, BVFB relies on community members like you to help us in our mission to fight hunger in the Brazos Valley. There are several ways for you, your family, your community organization, or your place of employment to get involved.
An important part of supporting BVFB is to give your voice to the anti-hunger movement locally and nationally.
If you're interested in learning more about BVFB and our vital anti-hunger work for a class project, requesting a BVFB staff member to speak at your community event or group meeting, or bringing your group to tour our warehouse and see our work firsthand, please fill out this form with your request. We’ll get back to you with the details you need to make it happen!

The Brazos Valley Food Bank welcomes a diverse range of partnerships to help fight hunger in our community.
From business and corporate food donations to contributions from local gardens, farms, and ranches, BVFB works with a variety of food suppliers. Additionally, BVFB partners with nonprofits and churches as Agency Partners, creating a network of community resources to reach those in need. Learn more here and become a partner today in our fight against hunger!

Every year, millions of pounds of food go to waste at all stages of the supply chain.
Businesses, corporations, retailers, processors and the food industry can make an impact on local hunger by donating surplus, close to date and/or cosmetically damaged food items to Food Banks.
What to Donate
The Food Bank accepts dry-stored, refrigerated, frozen food and nonfood items from businesses and distributors.
The Brazos Valley Food Bank is inspected by the State Health Department, has a valid state issued Salvage License, and adheres to safe food handling practices.
The Brazos Valley Food Bank has over 24,000 square feet of warehouse space to safely store shelf-stable food donations, as well as industrial size freezers and coolers to safely store large scale perishable donations. The warehouse is equipped with loading docks to accept delivered donation as well as refrigerated trucks to safely pick-up and transport perishable donations. The Brazos Valley Food Bank will pick up donations of 1,500 pounds or more.
Let the Brazos Valley Food Bank be a solution to your problem:
- Overflowing dumpsters
- Trash fees
- Unwanted product cluttering your floor/shelf space
The 1976 Tax Reform allows companies to deduct costs associated with donating food to non-profit organizations. Therefore, all donations to the Brazos Valley Food Bank are tax deductible. Written receipts are standard operating practice.
What is the Risk?
Good Samaritan Food Donation Act protects companies from civil and criminal liability.
On October 1, 1996, the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act was signed into law to encourage donation of food and grocery products to non-profit organizations for distribution to individuals in need.
Interested in donating? How can you donate? Contact Ebony Knight, Operations Director at ebonyk@bvfb.org or 979-779-3663, ext. 103.
Backyard Gardens
You can change lives with a simple gift of food.
Did you know that on average 40% of the food that the Brazos Valley Food Bank distributes is fresh produce? With commercial size cooler and freezer and refrigerated trucks, the Brazos Valley Food Bank is well equipped to accept donations of fresh produce.
Gardener’s that have a green thumb…
Don’t let the delicious produce you have nurtured and grown rot on the vine. The Brazos Valley Food Bank would love to have your extras to distribute to those in need. The Brazos Valley Food Bank will receive your donation at 1501 Independence, Monday- Friday, 8:30 am -12:00 pm & 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm.
Plant a row for the hungry
Farmers, during planting season, plant an extra row in your garden for the hungry. Your surplus can be a nutritious gift to hungry families in need. Before you begin, take into consideration the following:
1) Will you harvest the fruits and vegetables from the extra row?
2) Do you have the ability to bring the freshly harvested bounty to the Brazos Valley Food Bank?
If you need assistance in the harvesting, please arrange this need with Brazos Valley Food Bank in advance of planting your extra row by emailing here. Also, the Brazos Valley Food Bank is only able to pick up harvested donations that are 1,500 lbs. or more.
Surplus Agriculture
Did you know that the all food banks in Texas are part of the Texans Feeding Texans - Surplus Agricultural Products Grant Program. Administered by Feeding Texas, the state association of food banks, Texans Feeding Texans was established to provide surplus agricultural products to food banks and other charitable organizations that serve needy or low-income individuals. The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) awards grant funding to help offset the costs of harvesting, gleaning and transporting Texas products to Texas food banks.
If you are a producer or rancher in the Brazos Valley wanting to partner with the Brazos Valley Food Bank on this program, please contact us.
Even if you do not want to partner on this program, the Brazos Valley Food Bank can gladly take your surplus produce. Please contact us to find out more information.
Do you want to join a network of Partner Agencies to fight for a hunger-free Brazos Valley? The Brazos Valley Food Bank partners with 36 food pantries, emergency shelters, soup kitchens, and programs for youth, senior citizens, and the disabled to provide more than 6 million pounds of food to the community each year.
All BVFB partner agencies must be approved non-profit organizations (organizations holding 501c3 tax-exempt status or churches) and meet a set of minimum standards.
Once these three steps have been completed, the Brazos Valley Food Bank will evaluate the information and make a decision.
Still have questions? Contact the Agency Relations Coordinator or by calling (979) 779-3663 ext. 110.