School-Based Food Pantry Partners

The Brazos Valley Food Bank partners with Middle and High Schools to provide low-income students and their families with a pantry where they can receive food as needed throughout the school year. As a School-Based Food Pantry Partner Site, you will work alongside the Brazos Valley Food Bank to help address childhood and adolescent hunger at your school.

Brazos Valley Food Bank:

  • Acquires food for the School-Based Pantry Program
  • Delivers food to School-Based Pantry partners
  • Offers training and program support to School-Based Pantry partners


School-Based Food Pantry Partners:

  • Safely store, inventory and pack food and hygiene items
  • Ensure the participation of their school community
  • Distribute discreetly to students and their families during regular hours at least once monthly
  • Securely store program information and reports that include identifying information.


Pantries are a more effective intervention for older school populations—Intermediate, Middle and High Schools.  They must serve students and their families who are eligible at least once each month during the school year.


Interested in becoming a School-Based Food Pantry Partner Site?

Contact Us

Winter Murphy - Special Programs Manager
(979) 779-3663 ext. 113